The Infinite Loop

Rui Sanches — Sem Título (2012)


I get stuck sometimes.

I don’t mean stuck as in “frozen” but literally stuck in an infinite loop, processing the same set of mental steps, over and over, unable to detect an exit.

Yes, it sounds slightly mental but there’s a familiar tranquillity to it, much in the same way as the prospect of going to prison may be daunting at first, but there is still no denying that the idea of a prolonged isolation from initiative, or even reaction, is a blessing of sorts; all of a sudden, only a very specific universe of possible steps exists, there are no external variables. What has to be done, but especially what can be done becomes very clear.

The curse of it all is that no matter whether I embrace or question the thought, it just becomes another infinite loop in the next order of magnitude.

Maybe it’s not that important.



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BOM NÃO ERA MESMO NADA DISSO até podia ser mas na minha mente nunca como objectivo primeiro só se fosse mais como efeito secundário e seja como for ia-me atrapalhar à mesma não por não saber o que fazer mas mais por saber perfeitamente que não era capaz de o fazer bem ou pelo menos de o fazer sem arestas porque a dúvida sabes basta-me a dúvida para ter a certeza de tudo o que não sei e ela só se dissipa com um tempo que não temos que ninguém tem a menos que não saibamos que queremos é isso é preciso querer sem saber se calhar e alguém tem que começar.



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Fica Aí

O QUE TU QUERIAS SEI EU querias saber o que é que é para fazer agora o que é para fazer a seguir só que nada é o que tu querias que fosse nada é sequer o que tu estavas convencido que é e lá em baixo está um breu que te assusta mas se calhar agora até já nem te assusta tanto assim mas não interessa porque assim como assim já nem trampolim tens para saltar não interessa porque se calhar já percebeste que não tens nenhuma dívida que te mande saltar não interessa porque podes ficar aí um dia acaba fica aí pronto.



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Todos Os Nadas

NÃO SEI SEI LÁ EU DESTA ANESTESIA que não te protege de nada e que faz menos efeito quando te dás conta que é a única que há mas que mesmo assim é precisa apesar de não te proteger de nada porque era ainda pior que te protegesse menos do que nada bem sabes que claro que há menos do que nada bem sabes só não sabes é que só tu é que sabes dos teus nadas que são menos que nada e que todos somados são tudo e não são nada.



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Está Tudo Bem

FOI O QUE ELE DISSE que estava tudo bem disse que o normal é ter dúvidas e também disse que o normal não existe o que me baralhou um bocadinho porque isso do normal existir e não existir ao mesmo tempo arranhou-me sem eu me dar conta imediatamente foi-me fazendo cada vez mais comichão ao longo do dia e quando comecei a coçar nada estava assim tão bem.



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No Worries

YOU’VE SPENT YOUR WHOLE LIFE WORRYING about all that could happen but never did happen and you knew it all along and still defend that all that never happened never happened precisely because you worried about it happening because oh yes it would surely happen if you didn’t worry about it and now that nothing really happened you worry that it so happens that there’s nothing to worry about anymore.



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WHAT I SHOULD HAVE SAID is not what I did say come to think of it I didn’t actually say anything at all which usually feels like it is the right thing to say or even to not say and I now see that it isn’t not always not ever almost but the almost is precisely where I live even if I only wish to live somewhere else than this almost but that’s all there is to me that’s all that means something to me you know the suspended state between decisions is the one thing I should have said but no words exist to say almost so I guess I’ll wait.

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What To Do

I AM VERY SORRY AND ALSO VERY AWARE that I ought to have gathered the courage or the patience to tell you to go fuck yourself but I’m still not sure I ever will perhaps because it’s painful or else simply moot by now and no I have not thought this through seen that I’m not even sure that the distinction is important and maybe I did tell you to go fuck yourself just now come to think of it but it doesn’t really matter anymore I’m sure you’ll know what to do.



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(originally published on my now defunct Medium page, sometime in late 2013)


Votiv Kirche, Wien
Votiv Kirche, Wien


I first met Eduard Kosmack by coincidence on a lazy Viennese afternoon.

While exploring my new surroundings I came across a museum of modern art, right next to where we lived. There was no merit or elevation in any of this, no thirst for art, no sublime sharpening of the inner vision. The truth is simply that I was out of cigarettes and the museum’s coffee-shop was the only establishment open on Sundays. As it turns out, it didn’t sell cigarettes either.


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The Silent Sea

(or, my first true gesamterfahrung of the French language.)

Il fut précédé par un grand déploiement d’appareil militaire. D’abord deux troufions, tous deux très blonds, l’un dégingandé et maigre, l’autre carré, aux mains de carrier. Ils regardèrent la maison, sans entrer. Plus tard vint un sous-officier. Le troufion dégingandé l’accompa­gnait. Ils me parlèrent, dans ce qu’ils supposaient être du français. Je ne comprenais pas un mot. Pourtant je leur montrai les chambres libres. Ils parurent contents.

Vercors — Le Silence de la Mer

I did have some prior contact with French before, but not at the level of actually analyzing literary works. As a portuguese high-school student my experience of it had been a very formal and limited one, where many grammatical rules were taught, verb conjugations were reviewed with an iron resolve and vocabulary was an afterthought. It is little wonder that I consistently and predictably flunked the class, year after year after year.


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